Colorful numbers Algorithm in C++

Objective: Algorithm for colorful numbers in c++Given a number, find out whether its colorful or not.

Colorful Number: When in a given number, the product of every digit of a sub-sequence is different. That number is called Colorful Number.


Given Number : 3245
Output : Colorful
Number 3245 can be broken into parts like 3 2 4 5 32 24 45 324 245.
this number is a colorful number, since product of every digit of a sub-sequence are different.
That is, 3 2 4 5 (3*2)=6 (2*4)=8 (4*5)=20, (3*2*4)= 24 (2*4*5)= 40

Given Number : 326
Output : Not Colorful.
326 is not a colorful number as it generates 3 2 6 (3*2)=6 (2*6)=12.

Reference : CarrerCup &


  • Insert all the digits into hast table
  • Create a powerset of digits except for empty set- Power set
  • Multiply all the digits in the individual powerset and insert it into the Hash Table.
  • If any point, a number already present in the Hash table, return false

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