Fold Expressions a C++17 feature

I would like to give a simple tutorial on Fold Expression, a feature in C++17 . A fold expression reduces a parameter pack to a binary operator.

A template parameter pack is a template parameter that accepts zero or more template arguments (non-types, types, or templates). A function parameter pack is a function parameter that accepts zero or more function arguments.


  1. Unary Right Fold
  2. Unary Left Fold
  3. Binary Right Fold
  4. Binary Left Fold

Summation to add all the arguments with a simple return statement as shown in Summation function below. Arguments printed using fold expression. An example illustrated as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;

template<typename ... T>
auto Summation(T ... t)
	return (t + ...);

template<typename ...Args>
void FoldCout(Args&&... args) {
	(cout << ... << (args)) << '\n';
int main()
	std::cout << Summation(110, -100,5,5.66,7) << std::endl;
	FoldCout("The stock price changes every moment by ", 0.5," dollars" );
//Output : 27.66
//The stock price changes every moment by 0.5 dollars

Use of parenthesis to indicate precedence . An example shown in cppreference:

template<typename ...Args>
int sum(Args&&... args) {
//    return (args + ... + 1 * 2); // Error: operator with precedence below cast
    return (args + ... + (1 * 2)); // OK

The parameter pack is of length 0 the following happens.

Logical AND value is true
Logical OR value is false
Comma operatorvalue is void()

A vector pushed at a time using the fold expression as follows:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;

template<typename T, typename... Args>
void push_back_vec(std::vector<T>& v, Args&&... args)
	static_assert((std::is_constructible_v<T, Args&&> && ...));
	(v.push_back(std::forward<Args>(args)), ...);

int main()

	std::vector<string> v;
	push_back_vec(v, "the", "quick", "brown","fox");
	push_back_vec(v,"jumps on","a","lazy","dog");
	for (auto i : v) std::cout << i << ' ';


Prev: Nested Namespace and __has_include