Best C# IDE’s available and their installation guide

I will introduce you to various ways you can work in C#. I will give an introduction to the installation in this article. The list below will introduce you to various ways you can do this.

1. Microsoft Visual studio

This is the best way to program in C# and my personal favorite. Microsoft provides an IDE (integrated development environment) which can be used to develop websites, web apps, web services, and many more services. I recommend you use the latest version unless your code is dependent on a particular version of visual studio. You can choose the community version and download the visual studio executable.

Follow this link for a step by step instruction on how to download and install visual studio 2019.

The community version is free for users and if you log in you can use it for an extended period of time. In order to get the details of sign-in please click here to see more instructions.

2. Visual Studio Code

For various reasons, you may not be able to use the visual studio community/professional/enterprise version then I suggest you use the VSCode. This can be used in Linux, Windows, and macOS. For the instructions to download and install please follow this link. You can add various extensions available for C#.

3. Browser friendly

If you want to try out C# and do not want to bother about download and installation. You can use my repl for a browser-friendly C# environment. I will provide you with links to this in every post after the tutorials.


There are other substitutes to program in C#. I have a useful link that points to alternatives here. Please feel free to let us know if you try any of this and what are the products you like. This will help our users to make a better judgment on what to use.

Next: Introduction to C#