The fall and rise of a merchant


One upon a time there lived a rich merchant in the city of Vardhaman by the name Dantila. Dantila was a royal associate and king’s trusted businessman. Once, on the occasion of his wedding, Dantila invited all royal members to a private reception. He honored all the dignitaries with lavish gifts.  One of the royal servants named Gorambha attended the reception. Noticing his presence in the front row, Dantila managed to show Gorambha the door. Gorambha was insulted and conspired to take revenge.

Spreading a rumor

Soon after, on some pre-dawn, Gorambha was cleaning the king’s bedroom while the king was part asleep. Gorambha muttered that Dantila dared to embrace the queen. Shocked was the king. He asked if it was true. Gorambha said, “I gamble these days and rarely sleep on time. I cannot remember what my sleepy tongue mutters.” Considering the seriousness of the matter, the king banned Dantila from entering the palace.

Someday later, when Dantila wanted to enter the palace, the guards stopped him. Dantila did not know the reason and felt bad. Gorambha, cleaning the palace entrance, cautioned the guards not to show any favor to Dantila. With a wicked smile, he added that Dantila is ungrateful and insults the royal servants.

Apology and request by Dantila

Dantila surmised that Gorambaha must be the reason for his expulsion. To clear the hurdle, Dantila invited Gorambha to his home that very night and appeased him with lavish gifts. Further, he apologized to him for expelling him from the reception. Pleased by Dantila’s good treatment Gorambha promised to get his access to the palace.

Undoing the damage created

The next pre-dawn, while cleaning the king’s bedroom, Gorambha muttered that the king munches cucumbers while emptying the bowels. The king in a state of shock asks Gorambha if he has seen him doing so. Gorambha coldly replied that he does not know what his sleepy tongue muttered. King realized that Gorambha’s words should not be taken seriously. He repented for banning Dantila from the palace. The king ordered that Dantila be restored his palace access.

In Conclusion, Moral of the Story: Treat everyone with respect.

Bhaskaran Iyer:  was a project manager with the City of Houston for about 30 years and currently working part-time in the same capacity with KIT professionals, Inc.  He is learning to speak Sanskrit at Houston Kendram, Samskrita Bharati.