Structured Bindings

Direct Initialization-Tutorial

The direct initialization of the variables can be done using the keyword auto in C++17. In this section, I describe how the variable can be directly initialized in if, for, and switch statements. The example with for loop is as follows:

#include <utility>

void Test()
	auto length = 20;
	for (auto [i, ch] = std::pair(0, ' '); i < length; ++i)

The further operations will process using variables i and ch.

Similarly if and switch can also use this feature as follows:

if (auto [key, value] = GetMyMapValue(); value < 20)
		//do something 

GetMyMapValue function will return a particular key and value which can be used in the if loop if the value is less than 20. The switch statement uses similar initialization.


Structured binding:

  • Binds specific names to a sub-object or elements of the initializer.
  • Like reference, Structured binding is an alias to an existing object.
  • Can bind tuples, array, and data members.

For more information please refer to this page.

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